Tuesday, January 31, 2012
P90X Week 5
Today is our 5th week {day 30} of P90X!! I seriously can't believe that we have made it this far! Below are some of my highlights.
* Total of 3lbs lost
* 1/2 inch to 2 inches lost from each area
* Can fit better in my clothes
* Feel better
Here's what I need to work on
* Eat more protein, less starchy carbs, and less fat
Overall I think we have done well. We have only missed a couple workouts, and for the most part our eating is good. We need to add more protein to our meals and reduce the fat intake a little. After looking at our meals, we adjusted three of our dinners this week.
Dinner 1: We added shrimp to our spaghetti for protein
Dinner 2: Pork chops and sweet potato instead of burgers
Dinner 3: Tofu stir fry instead of steak stir fry
Last week was a "recovery week" in our workouts. We focused on stretching, yoga, and core. I'm not sure how much we actually "recovered" because these workouts were just as hard. Working our core was especially hard...and between that and the yoga, I have bruised something in my middle back. At least it feels like a bruise, to the left of the middle part of my spine. Hoping it will fade over time.
This week we are back to lifting weights and cardio. Yesterday we completed a new workout which included...um... one-arm push ups...lol! Yeah, that didn't quite happen for me. ;) It was HARD and we are both back to being very sore...but it's a good sore.
I'll post another update in two weeks so I hope you will join me. If you are working on getting fit, I would love to hear about what you are doing.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thrifty Thursday
Happy Thrifty Thursday! Below are the deals for today. If you find something I've missed, please leave a comment below! I would love to hear from you!
Homeschool Freebie of the Day
The American Boy's Book of Bugs, Butterflies, and Beetles
How to Study Nature in Elementary Schools
John James Audubon: The Bird Artist Audio
CurrClick Freebie
Olaf Tryggvason Biography Workbook (12 and up)
Art Projects for Kids
How to Draw a Rose
Chickadee: A Chalk Pastels Tutorial
TOS: Favorite Apps
Visit Homeschool Crew Blogs to find their favorite apps!
Use code gpa28 to get free shipping on any purchase.
My Memories Suite Deal
Use code STMMMS99585 to get $10 off the purchase of the software AND a $10 coupon for the My Memories Store (a $20 value)! Also get a FREE Digital Kit!!
FREE Sample Roundup
For anything I missed, you can get your FREE sample roundup from Deal Seeking Mom!
Thrifty Thursday
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
101 Bible Adventures Book Review
My Thoughts: This book is great if you would like to focus on a particular story from the Bible {you have 101 to choose from}. The stories are in the New Living Translation so they are easy for children to read and understand. In addition to a brief overview and key verse, each story also has a cute cartoon to go along with it, which is one of the things that Funny Bunny enjoyed the most. I especially like that there is an box at the end of each story so the children can apply what they learned.
Thoughts of an 8-Year Old: What I like best about 101 Bible Adventures are the silly pictures and captions.
Find Out More: 101 Bible Adventures is set to release in February 2012. You can find out more information at Tyndale House Publishers. The prices is listed as $12.99 and is for ages 7 and up.
Disclosure: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
How to Fit "The Arts" in School
Susan at Homeschooling Hearts and Minds is hosting a Virtual Curriculum Fair for January. Each Monday a new theme will be introduced that concentrates on a field of study.
Jan 2 - Playing with Words: the Language Arts
Jan 9 - Discovering Patterns: Math, Logic, and Science
Jan 16 - Exploring Our World: Social Studies and more Science
Jan 23 - Seeking Beauty: the Arts
Jan 30 - The Nuts & Bolts: Pulling it all Together
Our Homeschool Reviews will be one of the many blogs participating {about 30 all together}!! Although I am a day late, I'm still going to be joining in and today I'll be talking about Art!
Sometimes I find it very hard to incorporate The Arts into our homeschool day. There are so many other things that HAVE to get accomplished, anything extra just gets brushed to the side.
Funny Bunny LOVES to draw, so I pretty much let her draw whenever she wants to. I don't correct anything that she draws and I always praise her work. We have, however, used a few programs and/or books that teaching drawing.
Artistic Pursuits is a program we are currently using. I have written a review on it that you can read more about here. Students learn technical skills while creating original works of art. Book One at each level provides an overview of drawing, covering the elements of art and composition and Book Two provides an overview of color theory and composition.

We also use the Draw and Write Through History and Draw Write Now books.
Funny Bunny likes how these show the process of how to draw things, but she doesn't neccesarily like to go step by step. We have several.
Well, we have this one covered with ballet, tap, jazz, and lyrical each week.
Funny Bunny has been taking piano lessons for two years now. She's been working in Alfred's Basic All-in-One Course books. She started with Book 1 and is about halfway through Book 5.
We bought a used electric piano about a year ago and she loves to practice each day, without me having to make her.
Poetry is included with our Heart of Dakota curriculum. She learns a new poem each week that goes along with the history topic that week.
Funny Bunny is taking a Jr. Homemaker's class where she has learned beginning crochet, sewing, baking, and now cake decorating.
** All participants in this Virtual Curriculum Fair will be posted below as they link up!! **
Memory Making by Christine @ Crunchy Country Catholic
Learning Art at Our House by Jessica @ Modest Mama
history, up close by Jennifer @ a glimpse of our life
Fitting in the Arts When Homeschooling by Laura O in AK @ Day by Day in Our World
Appreciating the Arts by Cindy Horton @ Fenced in Family
Beauty in Homeschooling? by Cindy @ For One Another
Heart of Dakota- The Fine Details- Part 4 Poetry & Bible by Lynn @ Ladybug
The Art of Art by Brenda Emmett @ Garden of Learning
The Beauty of the Arts - Where Does It Fit? by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Learning and Art Library by Angie @ Petra School
Seeking Beauty: The Arts and Everything that Brings Beauty to Our World by Christa
How to Fit "The Arts" in School by Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews
Monday, January 23, 2012
Favorite Educational Apps
I received an iPad from hubby over a year ago as a gift, but quickly realized I would be the one person in the house to use it the least.
Of course, Funny Bunny uses it the most, playing the many apps we have downloaded for her.
So what are some of our favorites?
Stack the States
As cheap as I am, I did fork over the $0.99 to purchase this one. Funny Bunny loves it and has learned all her states and where they are located by playing this fun game.
Stack the Countries
She is still using the trial version, but since she mastered the states, she enjoys playing this one. I may buy her the full version as a surprise. ;)
GoSkyWatch Planetarium
Fun to take outside at night, lay on the ground, hold it up, and have it point out what you are looking at
Great puzzles
Flashnote Derby
I reviewed this one here. Good practice for those learning their music notes.
Doodle Buddy and Whiteboard
Two of Funny Bunny's favorite drawing apps
Cute geometry games for ages 4 and up
BrainPOP Featured Movie
They play a new educational movie each day. We both love BrainPOP!!
I could seriously be here all day listing all the apps we enjoy and I can't wait to read the posts from the other blogs participating to get some more ideas!
Of course, Funny Bunny uses it the most, playing the many apps we have downloaded for her.
So what are some of our favorites?
Stack the States
As cheap as I am, I did fork over the $0.99 to purchase this one. Funny Bunny loves it and has learned all her states and where they are located by playing this fun game.
Stack the Countries
She is still using the trial version, but since she mastered the states, she enjoys playing this one. I may buy her the full version as a surprise. ;)
GoSkyWatch Planetarium
Fun to take outside at night, lay on the ground, hold it up, and have it point out what you are looking at
Great puzzles
Flashnote Derby
I reviewed this one here. Good practice for those learning their music notes.
Doodle Buddy and Whiteboard
Two of Funny Bunny's favorite drawing apps
Cute geometry games for ages 4 and up
BrainPOP Featured Movie
They play a new educational movie each day. We both love BrainPOP!!
I could seriously be here all day listing all the apps we enjoy and I can't wait to read the posts from the other blogs participating to get some more ideas!
Blog Cruise,
Menu Plan Monday - Jan 23
I haven't participated in a Menu Plan Monday for a few months now, so thought I would join in today and list our meals for the week. We are trying to eat protein at each meal, so you will see a lot of meat this week. :)
Monday - Burgers in the broiler with a vegetable side. I just add a little salt and pepper to some lean ground beef patties. Funny Bunny especially likes them!
Tuesday - Beef and Vegetable Stir Fry
Wednesday - ??
Thursday - Healthy Chicken Enchiladas
Friday - Pasta and Rolls
Saturday - ??
Sunday - Vegetable and Bean Soup
What recipes do you have for the week? For more recipes or to link up, click the picture at the top.
Menu Plan Monday
miscellany monday
since friday the weather has been beautiful! funny bunny and I worked in the garden picking weeds and watering and trimming plants. maisy enjoyed the sun.
today funny bunny has her jr. homemaker's class and they will be learning how to ice a cake. fun!!!
this week is busy with doctor and dentist appointments. blahh!
one thing for funny bunny to look forward to this weekend is going to birthday parties for two of her friends! she is very excited!
luke 12:22-34
Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
a verse that is speaking to me a lot the past couple weeks:
luke 12:22-34
Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
miscellany monday
Friday, January 20, 2012
Frugal Friday
I was out of the house all day yesterday so I didn't get to post any Thrifty Thursday deals but I've seen some great things today that I want to pass along.
Homeschool Freebie of the Day ~ Several Audio Dramatizations
Little Women
One of the 28th by G.A. Henty
David Copperfield
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
CurrClick Freebie
Winter Matching Cards
Freely Educate
Free Children's Library
Free Spelling Words Curriculum
Art Projects for Kids
Falling Away Drawing
15 {Free} Online Science Resources
Posted at Heart of the Matter
FREE Valentine's Day Card {TODAY ONLY}
Get a FREE Valentine’s Day Card from Tiny Prints
FREE Barista Prima K Cup Sample
Like them on Facebook for your Free sample
FREE Sample Roundup
For anything I missed, you can get your FREE sample roundup from Deal Seeking Mom!
Thrifty Thursday
Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #17
This week we finished Unit 18 ~ Robert Fulton and the First Steamboat in our Heart of Dakota book, Bigger Hearts for His Glory.
We are still reading the same three books, and although Funny Bunny is only supposed to only read a chapter a day in Toliver's Secret, she loved it so much she finished it today. I think we have a book about Daniel Boone that I may slip in for next week since she finished early. :)
Read Aloud: Concord Cunningham: The Scripture Sleuth
Independent: Toliver's Secret
Science: One Small Square: Woods
Learning about how plants and funguses grow differently and have different purposes, as does everything in the woods.
Dance / Piano
Funny Bunny is still taking four dance classes a week, along with 30 minutes of piano. She is enjoying them all {although ballet is not her favorite anymore because they have to stretch so much...it's almost like actual work...lol!}
She has a piano recital in two weeks that she is excited about. Her and her teacher will be playing two songs together. I have only heard them play together through a closed door, so I am really looking forward to the recital!
Community Bible Study
We are still participating in CBS each week and studying Luke. The women in the program are great, especially the teachers, and the children in the classes so sweet! They all get together so nicely and I love to see them grow together, both in friendships and in Christ.
{She loves drawing pictures for each lesson}
We found this little guy {or gal} on the inside of our screen today. Funny Bunny saved him and placed him on one of our trees. The weather here has been changing daily, some days have been close to freezing and others, like today, have been gorgeous. The high today is in the low 70's and we are enjoying it with the windows open.

So how was your week? Thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Weekly Wrap-Up
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I had mentioned a couple weeks ago that hubby got us something for Christmas to help us keep our New Year Resolution of getting fit. I had gone back and forth on what I wanted for Christmas. At first I wanted a Ninja Kitchen System...you know, the blender that does everything?! But after thinking a while, I changed my mind. Then one afternoon I was walking by the TV and the P90X infomercial was running. "That's what I want!!!"
So Christmas came and went and I finally opened up the package, read the two books inside {the Fitness Guide and Nutrition Guide}, and was a little worried...lol! I started with the Fit Test. Below is a list of things I should be able to do {as a female} before I start the program {hold your laughter until the end}.
1. 1 pull-up - I have NEVER been able to do a pull-up :(
2. 3-in vertical leap - Yes, I can do this :)
3. 3 push ups {or 15 on my knees} - 15 on my knees, yes! :)
4. Come within 6 in of touching my toes - I'm pretty close :)
5. Hold a wall squat for at least 1 min - Really? That hurts!! :(
6. At least 10 curls with 8 lbs - Good to go! :)
7. At least 25 in & outs - What's an in & out?? :(
8. 2 mins of jumping jacks - Hellooo, I've given birth people!! :(
Ok, so half is good, right??!! Well, apparently not because the manual is now telling me that if I can't complete these items, maybe I should try one of their easier programs...hahahaha! Really, we didn't just pay all this $$$ to buy something else.
So, against our better judgement, hubby and I set out to start the program on Monday, January 2nd. The only time we can work out together is from 7-8pm. We get started with Funny Bunnydistracting us cheering us on in the background.
The WHOLE first dvd is PULL-UPS and PUSH-UPS!!!! Akkk! And each of the 12 dvds is about an HOUR long! Well, I still didn't do any pull-ups...we have a pull-down bar that I used instead {yeah, I'm cheating}. I could also used bands but we don't have any. But, we did finish the dvd. :)
We continued with a different dvd each day that week...and the soreness ensued. Tue = super sore, Wed = couldn't walk at all, Thur = less sore, etc.
I'm happy to say that we are now over 2 weeks into the program and we are both enjoying it. I still have soreness somewhere on my body each day but it is a "good" sore {I can still walk, at least}. We are both feeling better and have lost some weight. Of course hubby lost 10 lbs after 5 minutes of working out, but I have lost about 1 1/2 lbs in two weeks, along with 1/4 inch here and there.
Now, the question is, will we be "ripped" after 90 days?? Well, I'll keep you posted...only 75 more to go. ;)
So Christmas came and went and I finally opened up the package, read the two books inside {the Fitness Guide and Nutrition Guide}, and was a little worried...lol! I started with the Fit Test. Below is a list of things I should be able to do {as a female} before I start the program {hold your laughter until the end}.
1. 1 pull-up - I have NEVER been able to do a pull-up :(
2. 3-in vertical leap - Yes, I can do this :)
3. 3 push ups {or 15 on my knees} - 15 on my knees, yes! :)
4. Come within 6 in of touching my toes - I'm pretty close :)
5. Hold a wall squat for at least 1 min - Really? That hurts!! :(
6. At least 10 curls with 8 lbs - Good to go! :)
7. At least 25 in & outs - What's an in & out?? :(
8. 2 mins of jumping jacks - Hellooo, I've given birth people!! :(
Ok, so half is good, right??!! Well, apparently not because the manual is now telling me that if I can't complete these items, maybe I should try one of their easier programs...hahahaha! Really, we didn't just pay all this $$$ to buy something else.
So, against our better judgement, hubby and I set out to start the program on Monday, January 2nd. The only time we can work out together is from 7-8pm. We get started with Funny Bunny
The WHOLE first dvd is PULL-UPS and PUSH-UPS!!!! Akkk! And each of the 12 dvds is about an HOUR long! Well, I still didn't do any pull-ups...we have a pull-down bar that I used instead {yeah, I'm cheating}. I could also used bands but we don't have any. But, we did finish the dvd. :)
We continued with a different dvd each day that week...and the soreness ensued. Tue = super sore, Wed = couldn't walk at all, Thur = less sore, etc.
I'm happy to say that we are now over 2 weeks into the program and we are both enjoying it. I still have soreness somewhere on my body each day but it is a "good" sore {I can still walk, at least}. We are both feeling better and have lost some weight. Of course hubby lost 10 lbs after 5 minutes of working out, but I have lost about 1 1/2 lbs in two weeks, along with 1/4 inch here and there.
Now, the question is, will we be "ripped" after 90 days?? Well, I'll keep you posted...only 75 more to go. ;)
Monday, January 16, 2012
We Choose Virtues Review
Isn't that a great name? We continually work on virtues in our home, and have for many years. We talk about right from wrong and look up Bible verses that correspond. It can be very hard work! For us, Funny Bunny has known the rules and the right things to do for many years, she just has a hard time consistently following some of them. Some are easy for her, but then others are quite challenging.
We Choose Virtues was created by Heather McMillan, out of her love for children and her desire to see them reach their personal potential. As a preschool teacher and a children’s pastor, it concerned her how often she came across children whose lack of self control, honesty and perseverance was almost debilitating. How could they succeed in life without the skills that come from good character?
Included in a plastic carrying pouch with a velcro button closure, are 13 brightly decorated cards. These cards are the perfect size to fit in a purse and take with you wherever you go. They feature The Virtue Kids, their names, the Virtue catchphrase and antonyms, and on the back a "You can do it" challenge.
The virtues included are: Attentive, Content, Gentle, Obedient, Diligent, Forgiving, Honest, Kind, Helpful, Patient, Perseverant, and Self-Controlled.
In addition to the cards, we also received the Family Character Assessment and Kids Memory Verses, Bible Heroes, and Truths, which are both FREE on their website...so make sure you go and check those out!!
We also received the Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book and Teacher's Handbook, which are both available on their site for purchase as downloads. The Handbook is especially helpful in implementing the We Choose Virtues products, and includes 4 Simple Steps for Teaching Virtues and 9 Inspiring Tools for Teaching Virtues.
Although we only received the Virtue Clue Cards, We Choose Virtues has complete kits for the classroom, family, homeschool, and church. The products we received, as well as many others, are geared toward early elementary, but they do have products for teens as well.
If you are having trouble picking the right product for your family, the Product Comparison Chart is helpful!
Thoughts of an 8-Year Old: I like Virtue Cards because they are silly. They also rhyme - Perseverant, Penny Jenny. Fun pictures come with each card, like Penny Jenny. The card pictures give clues of the name, like Penny Jenny holds a penny! Right now we're working on Obedient. Oboe Joe knows I can do it!
Find Out More: You can find out more at We Choose Virtues and on their Facebook page. The Virtue Clue Cards we received are only $5.99 (down from $7.95). Now through the end of February, the 100 Days of Virtue Poster and Stickers will be included FREE with any Homeschool Kit purchase. The following coupon codes are also available {only one at a time can be used}: VIRTUE15 for 15 % off your total purchase and SHIPFREE for free worldwide shipping.
My Crewmates are also reviewing We Choose Virtues, so you can check out what they think HERE.
Character Training,
Friday, January 13, 2012
Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #16
This week we finished Unit 17 ~ Daniel Boone Heads West started Unit 18 ~ Robert Fulton and the First Steamboat in our Heart of Dakota book, Bigger Hearts for His Glory.
We have been reading about Daniel Boone and how he and his family and friends moved west to settle Kentucky. He loved the wilderness and had many close calls with the Indians.
Daniel Boone swinging on a grapevine to break up his tracks
Daniel Boone's daughter getting captured
Read Aloud: Concord Cunningham: The Scripture Sleuth
Independent: Toliver's Secret
Science: One Small Square: Woods
We started Student Writing Intensive (SWI) A from the Institute for Excellence in Writing last week. Funny Bunny finished the first lesson today...so far so good!
Lesson One includes watching part of the first dvd where Andrew Pudewa teaches the lesson. He is teaching a live class of children and it is very interactive and fun to watch. (Funny Bunny liked it so much that she wanted to watch it again the next day) Topics include Key Word Outlines and Summarizing from Notes and she completed both on stories about the Desert Tarantula and Pillbug.
Next week the same topics will be continued on three new stories about Starfish, Oysters, and Pearls.
Good with some errors {but I'm not making a fuss over them}
So how was your week? Thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Weekly Wrap-Up
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thrifty Thursday
I'm back with Thrifty Thursday!! Below are the deals for today. If you find something I've missed, please leave a comment below! I would love to hear from you!
Homeschool Freebie of the Day
Vintage Country Project Plans
25 Ways to Save Money Without Coupons
CurrClick Freebie
Place Value with Three-Digit Numbers
Freely Educate
Free Homeschool Printables and Planners
Art Projects for Kids
How to Draw a Rooster
Restaurant.com: 80% Off Save 80% at Restaurant.com using code DINNER at checkout. This makes a $25 gift card only $2! Ends 1/16
FREE Sample Roundup
For anything I missed, you can get your FREE sample roundup from Deal Seeking Mom!
Thrifty Thursday
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
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