Today is day 3 in the 5 Days of
Homeschooling Essentials Blog Hop with The Schoolhouse Review Crew! Each day 90 bloggers will be writing about what they think are the most important homeschooling essentials. If you missed them, here are
Day 1 and
Day 2.
Today I'm going to talk about:
Let's face it, it would be hard to homeschool without it!
Computer - I don't know what I would do without my computer! It's a lifeline to my friends and with that comes encouragement and help. And I can't count how many worksheets, forms, documents, planning pages, and crafts I've created with it over the years. Funny Bunny uses it to write stories and reports, and as she gets older, I'm sure she'll be using it for online classes as well.
Printer - As much as I hate wasting paper and ink, I absolutely need my printer! We have a love hate relationship. ;)
High Speed Internet - I just do too much online to not have it.
Netflix - Last year we decided to cancel our Direct TV and get only our local channels and Netflix. We LOVE Netflix!! There are many educational movies on there and you could probably find something to go along with any topic you are learning.
Amazon Prime
- We don't have Amazon Prime at the moment but I've thought of getting it for the instant streaming of movies and TV episodes. Plus, there are over 350,000 Kindle titles to borrow for free. Still something we are thinking about.
iPad - I left this off initially and can't believe I did. We use the iPad all the time for downloading books and educational apps. It's also a great way to sit down and read lessons anywhere in the house. This year we have been able to read Funny Bunny's watercolor instructions in the kitchen while she paints. It's just so convenient.
DVD Player - Got to have this! Over the years some of our curriculum has come with DVDs to watch as the lesson. As Funny Bunny gets older and the subjects get harder, I expect we'll be using more {especially with math}.
CD Player - Funny Bunny has had to use her CD player a lot this year since her curriculum came with an audio CD.
Facebook - Yep, it can be a time waster, but also a lifesaver! I probably spend way too much time on it myself, but I've also made friendships I would have never made otherwise. And we have joined several local groups because of it.
Pinterest - Another probable time waster, but Pinterest has so many ideas!! We have used it for plenty of craft ideas, but it's also been helpful for homeschool ideas too. I really only try to use it when I want to search for a specific topic, otherwise I could be on there all afternoon.
Sewing Machine - Not sure if this counts as technology, but it plugs in, so we'll go with it. I'm not a sewer but hubby got me one when Funny Bunny was younger. It's sat more than not, but I've used it way more than I thought I would. I never know what it will be used for next, so it's nice to have on hand.
Keurig - No explanation necessary...
What technology do you use for your homeschool? Did I miss anything?
Come back tomorrow to learn more about our next Homeschooling Essential!
But before you leave, see what nearly 90 other bloggers at
The Schoolhouse Review Crew have to say, or start with these nine blogs below!
Erica @
Be the One
Ellen @
Grace Tells Another Story
Jenn @
Treasuring Life’s Blessing
Michelle @
Delightful Learning
Sharon @
Life with the Tribe
Hillary @
Our Homeschool Studio
Melanie @
Brittney @
Mom’s Heart
Heather @
Principled Academy
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