For the month of November Our Homeschool Reviews will be participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by Brenda at Garden of Learning. For each day, I'll post about something I am thankful for.
When our daughter was younger she was a quick learner...quick like she was able to sound out three letter words before her third birthday! I remember her first reciting the alphabet when she was only 15 months old. Now, I have to say that I thought this was normal. I was never around many children and she was our only one, so I read to her every day and we practiced our letters and numbers really early. It was because of this we decided that homeschooling may be the way to go because she would be bored in Kindergarten. I think since then God has shown me the real reason to homeschool!
When she was three we enrolled in Community Bible Study. I had never been in a formal Bible study before, much less ever really read the Bible. Yes, I had gone to church all my life but never really understood it all. CBS has opened my eyes and has shown me the real reason that homeschooling is so important! But, if we hadn't chosen to do it, regardless of the reason why, we wouldn't be where we are now.
This homeschooling journey has taught me a lot, more than just how to teach reading and math. It's taught me patience and perseverance and I have been able to teach my daughter about God's love for her, and all of us!
Don't get me wrong, it's not always fun and happy, and sometimes I want to pull my hair out, but I remember "Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer let your request be made known to God." Philippians 4:6