Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge - November 23

For the month of November Our Homeschool Reviews will be participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by Brenda at Garden of Learning.  For each day, I'll post about something I am thankful for. 

Today I am thankful for...Friends!!  I am very thankful to have several friends who I can talk to, laugh with, and confide in.

Before having our daughter, I pretty much kept to myself.  At work I didn't socialize too much, ate lunch in the break room, and certainly didn't go out after work.  It was just my husband, myself, and our families.  

Then I became a stay at home mom.  It wasn't until after the first year when I realized I needed to start getting her out more.  I had to...socialize...lol!  Since then, through playdates, birthday parties, activities, and mom groups, I have made some wonderful friends...hopefully lifelong friends!!