This particular workbook is geared for grades 4-6 (ages 9-11) and works on critical thinking skills for reading, writing, math, and science...and has a whopping 408 pages!! Many of the activities are short and sweet, so several could be completed in just one day, or if you'd like, you could spread the book out over a couple years, which is what I think we will do.
Some of the activities include:
* Logical Thinking
* Similarities and Differences
* Sequences
* Classifications
* Analogies
* Antonyms and Synonyms
* Vocabulary Development
* Descriptive Writing
* Geometry Concepts
* Map Reading...and More
My Thoughts: I have always enjoyed books from The Critical Thinking Co., and in Building Thinking Skills Level 2, as with most of their books we have tried, I like that they lessons are short, yet challenging. I also like that since this particular book covers so many things, I can flip through to find what will compliment our school work. My plan is to match it to what we are working on each week and integrate it into our weekly assignments.
Thoughts of a 7-Year Old: I like it! It's really fun! I think the best part is that it is very easy and fun for me. I Love it!!!!!!!!
Find Out More: Building Thinking Skills Level 2 sells for $29.99 on the Timberdoodle website. If you would like, you can view some sample pages HERE before you buy. To see the whole selection of Critical Thinking products, go HERE. And for other homeschooling interests, you can request a Timberdoodle catalog HERE.
Disclosure: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free by Timberdoodle for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.
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