Based on Gary’s highly successful The 5 Love Languages, A Perfect Pet for Peyton tells an entertaining and playful story of five children who each, with the help of Mr. Chapman and the unique pets at his special emporium, discover their own personal love language. Children and parents alike will experience firsthand the power of the love languages as they cuddle up and spend precious time together reading this book over and over again.
Funny Bunny's Review: In A Perfect Pet for Peyton, it's twins Penny and Peyton's birthdays. They're so excited to go! Once they get there, they meet their friends, go to a dinosaur and petting zoo area and even meet a monkey that gives them jellybeans! Finally, it's time to match perfect pets. Kevin, Jayla, Sofia and Penny have their pet pals. But it stops there! Will Peyton ever get the perfect pet pal?
I like A Perfect Pet for Peyton because it tells a deep story that teaches the 5 Love Languages, something I didn't know before. (Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Acts of Service.) My favorite part is when Peyton finally finds his perfect pet pal! I really like this book.
My Thoughts: This is a cute story of twins, Peyton and Penny, who celebrate their birthday with friends at the Perfect Pet Pal Emporium. After touring the Emporium, Mr. Chapman matches each child up with a special pet pal, based on their love language. He takes us back through the story, identifying particular events that occurred with each child. For instance, Jayla's love language is 'Words of Affirmation' because she continuously complimented the twins and used kind words to encourage everyone at the party.
After the story there is a Five Love Languages Quiz for Kids that parents can discuss with their children.
Find Out More: You can find out more about A Perfect Pet for Peyton online at The 5 Love Languages. The book is available online at a number of retailers and a free interactive App with in-book experience is coming soon to the App Store.
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Contest ends on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 11:59 EST. The winner will be chosen by This contest is open to U.S. residents who are 18 or older. If I am unable to reach the winner by email within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be selected. Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you (either an email address in your comment or on your profile). The winner's name will be obtained and publicly announced. The number of eligible entries determines the odds of winning. No purchase is necessary to win and this contest is void where prohibited by law.
Disclosure: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.