Friday, October 5, 2012

Box of I.D.E.As. Review


Box of IDEAs is designed to get kids off the computer and around the table.  It is great to supplement your current curriculum but can also be used for homeschool group activities, summertime learning and as a break from the normal routine. 

I love their acronym: Ideally Dynamic Enrichment Activities.  We really don't have enough of that around here at our home, and I suspect many other families don't as well.  We are always trying to get the reading, writing, and arithmetic completed, it leaves not much time for anything else, so I was excited to try this out!

Each Box of IDEAs includes 10 or more modules with exercises, is easily portable, and is packed with interesting topics and activities.  Topics available for purchase include:  Salt, World War II, Eleven, Quilting, and Laundry.  Topics coming soon include:  Mystery, WWII Kitchen, WWII Pearl Harbor, WWII Innovations, Olives, Pine, Cemeteries, and Pigs.

When our Box of IDEAs arrived, we were ready to get started!  We received the Salt Box, and it was overflowing with activity modules which included:

The History Of Salt
The Science Of Salt
The Salt March
The Salt Of The Earth
Need For Salt
Preserving With Salt
Too Much Salt
The Wall That Salt Built
Where Salt Lives
The Language of Salt

The modules can be used in any order and all the activities are complete and ready to use, so we looked through all the contents and decided the first thing we would work on would be the Preserving With Salt module {because it includes a board game}!!

The contents of the Preserving With Salt module include:

An Introduction, Extensions, and Websites
Food Safety Math Worksheet
24 SALT Cards
Preserving by Salt Game Board
Game Markers

It was a fun game and we all really learned a lot, even hubby and myself!!  We got more than one wrong for sure!

Things I love about Box of IDEAs:

*  All modules stand alone and most need no additional supplies.
*  Each module is in its own bag with a label with its contents.
*  Many of the modules have fact cards which are part of an activity but can be used in many other ways. 

My Thoughts:  I think Box of IDEAs: Salt is well worth the money and would definitely prefer the physical box over the PDF because there is no additional work and everything is included.  Each bag comes with an information sheet and instructions and they were all very easy to understand and complete.  I think this would be a great supplement to any curriculum.

Find Out More:  You can find out more online at Box of IDEAs or on Facebook.  The Salt {Physical Box} is $79 and you can also get the Salt PDF Download for just $49.  Extra Student Modules are just $4.  This kit is geared for ages 9-16. 

My Crewmates are also talking about Box of IDEAs, so you can check out what they think about it HERE.


Disclaimer:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.


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