Monday, May 13, 2013

Glee Gum Candy Making Kit Review & Giveaway!!

Do you know what's in the gum you are chewing?  Most likely things like preservatives, artificial flavorings, colorings, or sweeteners, like aspartame.  :/

Glee Gum is different!  It contains NO artificial preservatives, flavors, colors,or sweeteners. All Glee Gum is Vegetarian, GMO Free, Additive Free, Dairy Free, Wheat Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Yeast Free, Nut Free, and Peanut Free.

Glee Gum is the only gum in North America made the old-fashioned way, with chicle!  

Chicle is a natural tree sap harvested sustainably from the rain forests of Central America. Once all chewing gum was made with chicle, but today most gum is made entirely from synthetic stuff.

Glee is a “green” gum right down to the packaging, which is made from biodegradable, recycled cardboard. 

Well I had the opportunity to try both Glee Gum and one of their fun Candy Making Kits!!  We received both the Chocolate and Gum Making Kit, but today I'm just going to talk about the Make Your Own Chewing Gum Kit.
The directions were simple and Funny Bunny and I had a lot of fun making our chewing gum.  She was surprised at what it looked like before, during, and after the process.

Included in the kit was a fun learning sheet about chewing gum and the rain forest.  You can go here to find out how chewing gum gets "From the Tree to Glee"!  It's actually a pretty interesting process...and very educational!  Educators can also find stories and lesson plans.

Thoughts of a 10-Year Old:  The two flavors we got were Peppermint and Cherry.  At first, when I looked at the little chicle pellets, I thought, "That's gum?" But it did turn out to be gum and it was pretty good, too. Once we melted the chicle, it was really sticky-gooey and hard to get out of the pan. But I think the gum itself was great and it really was gum-y.  My favorite flavor was Cherry, and though the flavor doesn't last as long as regular gum, it's definitely worth it to save the chicle trees!



So, here's how one reader can win one (1) kit of the winner's choice (Make Your Own Chewing Gum, Gummies or Chocolate)!  For each comment, you will get one (1) entry.

1. Leave a comment telling me why you would like to win

2. Like Our Homeschool Reviews on Facebook

3. Like Glee Gum on Facebook

4. Follow my blog using Google Friend Connect

5. Follow me on Twitter @OurHSReviews

6. Follow Glee Gum on Twitter @Gleeguy

7. Tweet about this giveaway up to once a day:  I entered to #win #Gleeguy @OurHSReviews #Giveaway ends 5/20

**Remember to please leave a separate comment for each entry**

Contest ends on Monday, May 20, 2013 at 11:59 EST.  The winner will be chosen by  This contest is open to U.S. residents who are 18 or older.  If I am unable to reach the winner by email within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be selected.  Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you (either an email address in your comment or on your profile).  The winner's name will be obtained and publicly announced.  The number of eligible entries determines the odds of winning.  No purchase is necessary to win and this contest is void where prohibited by law.

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