Friday, July 5, 2013

Classical Conversations PreScripts Review

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We loved Classical Conversations.  Funny Bunny was involved with their Foundations Community for her Kindergarten and 1st grade years and also Essentials last year in fourth grade.

Their purpose is to lead the home-centered education movement by equipping parents and students with the classical tools of learning needed to discover the order and beauty of God’s creation and to inspire others to do the same. 

Classical Conversations has recently come out with the PreScripts Series to reinforce memory work for students who are just learning to write through cursive mastery.  Funny Bunny and I received PreScripts: Cursive Sentences and Art Lessons. This particular book focuses on Medieval to Modern World History, which is Cycle 2 if you are involved with a CC Community.

I just have to say that I wish we had something like this when she was involved with Classical Conversations!!  It's a great way for them to practice their memory work!

The PreScripts book is spiral bound with a beautifully illustrated, glossy cover.  It includes the 24 history sentences from Cycle 2 of CC.  With that being said, anyone studying Medieval to Modern World History, not just Classical Conversation students, could use this. 

After each sentence there is a related piece of artwork used to teach the elements of composition, along with some facts about the drawing. 

The students are asked to copy the sentences and the artwork.  Below is a sample from the book.

This is a good place to note that not all students working in this book will have learned the same type of cursive lettering.  Funny Bunny knows how to write in cursive so I just told her to focus on taking her time and copying it correctly {spelling and punctuation}.

Also, not all students can just pick up a pencil and start drawing artwork from a grid.  It can be very frustrating, even with the instructions at the beginning of the book about using a grid and using mapping to draw.  I just told Funny Bunny to do her best {she opted to not use a grid}.  Below is a sample of her work.

Find Out More:  You can find out more online at Classical Conversations.  There are currently four levels of PreScripts books.  Cursive Letters and Coloring: Medieval to Modern World History {$11.99 for ages 3-7}, Cursive Words and Drawing: Scripture {$12.99 for ages 5-10}, Cursive Sentences and Art Lessons: Medieval to Modern World History {$12.99 for ages 7-12}, and Cursive Passages and Illuminations: American Documents {$12.99 for ages 9 through high school}.

It's also important to note that not all the books follow CC memory work. Letters and Sentences books are taken from the Classical Acts & Facts History Cards, with content related to Cycle 2. Copywork in the first Passages book comes from material in the Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents and American Literature books, so it ties in nicely with Challenge I. Future books will cover material from a wide range of subjects, including history sentences and images from Cycles 1 and 3.

My Crewmates are also reviewing Classical Conversations PreScripts, so you can check out what they think HERE.

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