“Where is God in the midst of tragedy and suffering?”
Going back to the beginning — literally — Kirk investigates the origins of good and evil and how they impact our lives … and our eternities.
UNSTOPPABLE will prompt audiences to consider the role that pain and suffering has in our lives, as they affirm their personal views on faith, and encourage conversation starters about God, suffering, and hope.
After Funny Bunny was tucked in bed, I set aside 65 minutes over the weekend and watched UNSTOPPABLE.
UNSTOPPABLE tells the story of real people in real situations Situations that are tough. Life changing. Tragic.
Where is God in the midst of tragedy and suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people?
UNSTOPPABLE won't necessarily answer these questions, but by going back to the beginning of Creation, we get a sense that God has a plan...that's bigger than us.
God is faithful
God is alive
God has a plan
Kirk Cameron takes the viewer on an amazing and inspiring journey...one that should be shared. Please note that there are scenes that are not suitable for children.
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Unstoppable the Movie. UNSTOPPABLE is recommended for ages 12 and up and retails for just $14.99. The DVD will be available February 28, 2014. You can also find more information on the Facebook page.
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We liked his Monumental movie. I'm sure this one will be good as well.
This is such a cool giveaway!! Hope I win!!!
I think this movie sounds helpful and inspiring while addressing this tough topic.
My husband and I really enjoyed Monumental and would love to see this one too :-)
This is on my wishlist and I'd love to win it =)
I'd love to win this because we loved Monumental and Kirk's work with Living Waters and think that this movie will not disappoint.
Yes, love shopping for those supplies!! I would also include a laminating machine. It's great for making all those homemade games! ;-)
Sharpies. Must have them!
I know! I wanted to add a laminating machine to the things I can't live without section, just because I know lots of families who have one...but we don't! I still can't believe I've gone this long without one, but it's true!
Oh yes, sharpies!! I had thought of those and forgot to write that down. We have every color ever made I think. ;)
Great list of essentials! I love a new box of crayons! I also love getting fresh coloring pencils and markers for them. Each school year our children also get new 3-ring binders- the ones with the clear pocket cover so they can decorate a cover. :)
I love how organized everything is and that arm chair is darling! ~Heather @ Principled Academy/the Crew
I've heard great things about this movie and now your review made me want to watch it :).
~Urailak (Fruit Bearer on FB)
That's okay...I don't have a planner or a schedule, and I know that would probably make some homeschool families fall apart. :)
I read about this movie and am interested in watching it with my family.
I want to win because it will be an inspiring one for my family.
This sounds good!
I would love to see this movie! He is so, so good at speaking the truth!
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