We just got our hands on it and will be using it through the Lenten season, but if you are a fan of Truth in the Tinsel, I know you will love this book too!
There are a couple differences to note though.
It's only 12 activities instead of 24. I think this is great because it's a busy time of year with school and activities. So you could use it during the last 12 days leading up to Easter or spread it out to a few days a week through the whole Lenten season. I think that's what we will do.
It's also touches on a heavier subject - Jesus' death and resurrection. But Amanda has included a helpful page about how to best talk to your children about this hard to tackle subject.
And lastly, your children will not just be working on crafts. There are neat activities, like baking bread for the Last Supper, which creates great memories for families.
This simple eBook includes printables, Scriptures and specific conversation and starting points so you and your kids can get a sense of the resurrection.
Find Out More: A Sense of the Resurrection: An Easter Experience for Families is available as an eBook for just $7.99.
A Sense of the Resurrection is on sale March 24-28th! It will be 20% off with code OHEASTER. Click on the picture below to get all the details and purchase your own copy.

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I love all of the colors! http://poshonabudget.com/2014/03/ww-busted-squirrel.html
Great moment for sure!
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