Last Sunday was the final day of my 28-day Engine 2 Challenge, but like I said before, I'm still continuing on with it and eating a plant-based diet.
I don't have any pictures of food this week {I took a break from photographing my meals} but what we did have was really good. We ate out a lot over the weekend and didn't get to the Pizza Potatoes or Happy Herbivore Pancakes, so those are on the menu again this week.
Friday night Funny Bunny had a sleepover at church, which I attended too. The theme was Italian so thankfully they had spaghetti and marinara sauce for dinner. I topped that with a ton of broccoli, and with the side salad, I was full most of the night. I brought my own healthy snacks. :)
Saturday night we ate at Chilis and I ordered the Garden Salad with no cheese, a side of black beans, and a side of broccoli.
Sunday afternoon we ate at J. Alexander's and I had the Veggie Burger with a side of broccoli.
Oh, and if you like stats, I've lost 7lbs since Feb 3rd!! Still need to get my cholesterol checked, but I'm very happy with how I am feeling!
For the menu this week our dinners will include:
Alphabet Soup
Super Easy Vegan Pan Thai
Pizza Potatoes
Happy Herbivore Pancakes
And snacks will include:
Easy Fudgy Vegan Chocolate Brownies
Vegan Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cake {this was really good}
Single Serving Blueberry Muffin {made this last night and will make again!!}

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Alphabet's been a long time since I made that. Thanks for the suggestion!! Jumping over from Organized Junkie link-up. Have a great day!!
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