We are starting Classical Conversations next month. Funny Bunny will be in Challenge A. She is so excited to start this new journey and up for the challenges that will come with it.
One of the subjects she will be learning is Latin. We are not strangers to Latin and she has studied it in one form or another since Kindergarten. Some years used a full curriculum and others were more of a review.
Next month she will be starting in her first year of Henle Latin. It's my understanding that this first year Latin program is for high school students, so she will actually take three years to complete the first book.
Over the past few months we have been getting familiar with these books and have completed some lessons. Not only is the content challenging, but so is the layout of the lessons. It can get very confusing.
So that's why I was excited to receive the Memoria Press Henle Latin I Study Guides and Quizzes & Tests. There are three Study Guides and three Quizzes and Tests booklets. The first covers units 1 and 2, the next covers units 3-5, and the last includes units 6-14.
The Study Guides break down each weekly lesson into easy to manage sections and they also contain helpful study aids like how to make vocabulary and grammar cards. The best part about the study guide is that is has all the answers to the Henle Latin Exercises, which is wonderful because the Henle Latin book does not have complete answers, and it can be frustrating.
The Quizzes and Tests books have a quiz for each week, along with tests, a final exam and the answer keys.
I'm already loving the look of these books and I can't wait to really get started using them next month!
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Memoria Press. The Memoria Press Henle Latin Study Guides are $14.95 each and the Quizzes and Tests booklets are $9.95 each. You can also purchase the Henle Latin First Year books through Memoria Press. The Text is $16.95, the Grammar Book is $9.50, and the Answer Key is $5. You can see a sample of each at the link above.

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