I was recently contacted by Skin MD Natural to try out their Shielding Lotion. I've been using it daily for about 3 weeks now and I have to say, I'm really impressed with the results.

You can read about the impressive before and after skin care case studies on their website.
Some things I really like about this skin care product include:
* It has no greasy residue
* No fragrance
* It's free of parabens, petrochemicals, and dyes
* It's also vegan, cruelty free, and eco-friendly
Find Out More: You can find out more about Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion on their website. Skin MD Natural Original Formula is $18 for a 4oz bottle and their Sun Protection Formula with SPF 15 is $25 for a 4oz bottle. Both should last from 1 to 2 months with daily use. Use code NEW11 for 20% off your order through 5/9! You can also use their store locator to find a store that sells it near you.
So, here's how to enter to win one (1) 4 oz bottle of Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion! For each comment, you will get one (1) entry.
1. Like Skin MD Natural on Facebook.
2. Follow Skin MD Natural on Twitter.
3. Follow my blog through GFC.
4. Like my Facebook page.
5. Follow me on Twitter @OurHSReviews.
6. Subscribe to my blog by email though Feedburner.
**Remember to please leave a separate comment for each entry**
One random winner will be selected using Random.org on Friday, May 6, 2011. (U.S. Entries only.) If I am unable to reach the winner within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be selected. Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you (either an email address in your comment or on your profile).
Disclosure: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.
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