Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our Homeschool Room

I know I've posted some of these pictures before, but I'm going to use them again because nothing has changed.  :)  We have a school room, which is just an extra bedroom that we transformed.  It is not really where we do our school, but mostly where we house all our school stuff. 

Most of the time school work is completed at the kitchen table.  I lay out all school work first thing in the morning and we work side by side.

When it is time for me to read aloud or for her to read to herself, you will find us here, on the couch.  It's more comfortable and we can cozy up together.  

Another place that she likes to read is at her smaller table in the kitchen.  She eats, crafts, and reads here.  It's the perfect size and even I can fit too.  

Sometimes when we both want a change of pace, we will gather the books and head to my bed.  The change of scenery is nice and it is relaxing.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we use most of the rooms in the house, depending on what subject and/or activity.  We also go outside and lay a blanket on the grass when the weather is nice.  


{For some added inspiration...check out last week's Curriculum Blog Hop from the Schoolhouse Review Crew below!}



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