Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Borax Giveaway!!

I am very excited about this giveaway! 


Because I was able to get my very own box of 20 Mule Team Borax to try!

I know it seems silly to be excited about such a little thing, but I have heard about all the wonderful uses of Borax but have never used it myself.  So I was thrilled to be able to try it and even more thrilled that I'm able to give away a coupon to two readers to try a FREE box of Borax!!

So what is Borax exactly?

20 Mule Team Borax is 100% natural, and 99.5% pure (there is about a half of 1% of naturally occurring trace minerals). Once removed from the ground it is washed, dried, and boxed for consumers.

Borax is the common name for sodium tetraborate: a naturally occurring substance produced by the repeated evaporation of seasonal lakes.

Absolutely nothing is added. No phosphates, per-oxside, chlorine, or other additive chemicals.

Here are just a few things 20 Mule Team Borax can do:

*  Boosts the effectiveness of all brands of laundry detergent and makes every cup more powerful.  Just add 1/2 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax to every load, along with your regular detergent.

*  Helps eliminate odor in athletic wear.

*  Makes an all-purpose cleaner

*  Unclogs drains with 1/2 cup followed by 2 cups of boiling water.  This is the first thing I used it for and was so excited my drain cleared!!!!

Those are just a few...there are many more than I can list!



So, here's how TWO readers can win one coupon for a FREE box of 20 Mule Team Borax!  For each comment, you will get one (1) entry.

1. Leave a comment telling me why you would like to win

2. Like Our Homeschool Reviews on Facebook

3. Like 20 Mule Team Borax on Facebook

4. Follow my blog using Google Friend Connect

5. Follow me on Twitter @OurHSReviews

6. Post about this giveaway on your blog or Facebook

7. Tweet about this giveaway up to once a day:  I entered to #win #Borax @OurHSReviews http://ourhomeschoolreviews.blogspot.com/2013/01/borax-giveaway.html #Giveaway ends 1/23

**Remember to please leave a separate comment for each entry**

Contest ends on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 11:59 EST.  The winner will be chosen by Random.org.  This contest is open to U.S. residents who are 18 or older.  If I am unable to reach the winner by email within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be selected.  Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you (either an email address in your comment or on your profile).  The winner's name will be obtained and publicly announced.  The number of eligible entries determines the odds of winning.  No purchase is necessary to win and this contest is void where prohibited by law. 

Disclosure:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.