Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Salem Ridge Press: Hilda The Briton Review

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Salem Ridge Press is a publishing company, established in 2005 by a homeschooling family, dedicated to bringing back quality children's books of the 1800's and early 1900's for a new generation of readers. 

They have about 30 books to choose from and we were fortunate enough to receive Hilda The Briton Or, The Golden Age {The Story of a Roman Slave Girl} by Emma Leslie.

Before I tell you how much we LOVED this book, let me tell you a little more about Salem Ridge Press.  These aren't just any kind of books, these are wholesome books for the entire family that teach godly character and high moral values.  Books that you aren't going to find at your local book store.

Their book selection is organized in the following categories so it is easy to find what you want.

*  Alphabetically
*  By Time Period and Location
*  Author
*  Age Range
*  Historical Fiction {Church, American, and World History}
*  Adventure
*  Allegory
*  Young Readers

I personally like that they have it divided up by time period and location because it makes it easy to find a book to go along with our history studies.

Hilda the Briton photo sr-hildathebriton_zps6715dd03.jpg Hilda The Briton tells the story of a young girl named Hilda and her brother Bran, who are taken from Britain to be sold as slaves in Ancient Rome, 63 A.D.  One day Hilda hears the teachings of a prisoner named Paul and learns about a God different from the gods she and her brother were worshiping.  As she spreads this message to others, what happens is amazing!!

Emma Leslie, whose actual name was Emma Dixon, was a prolific Victorian children's author who wrote over 100 books.  Emma Leslie brought a strong Christian emphasis into her writing and many of her books were originally published by the Religious Tract Society.

My Thoughts:  We could not get enough of this book and it was hard to put it down!  It showed  how God can work through even a young slave girl to change the hearts of many.  Here you can read the First Chapter.

I'm already making a list of books that we would like to get to go along with our history for next year!

Thoughts of a 9-Year Old:  Hilda the Briton was a very exciting story.  I enjoyed my mom reading it to me.  Every chapter was filled with suspense:  Will Hilda get in trouble because of what she did?  Will the two get their freedom?  Will Bran get sold?  Every time a chapter ended I begged to read more.  In my opinion, it was a REALLY-REALLY-REALLY great book!  It is one of my favorite books this year!!

Find Out More:  You can find out more online at Salem Ridge PressHilda the Briton is $12.95 for softcover and $22.95 for hardcover.  It is part of their Junior Church History Series and great for both boys and girls, ages 8-adult.

My Crewmates are also reviewing Salem Ridge Press, so you can check out what they think HERE.

©2010-2013 Our Homeschool Reviews. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://ourhomeschoolreviews.blogspot.com/



We also loved the book we reviewed for Salem Ridge Press (For Merrie England)... they are an awesome company and I am excited to get more books from them!

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