Friday, November 8, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal 11-8-13

In our homeschool the past couple weeks…

Funny Bunny completed Unit 11: King David's Reign and Unit 12: From Solomon to a Divided Kingdom in Heart of Dakota's Creation to Christ.

Below is an ancient board game that was played by the Phoenicians called Twenty Squares.

For Poetry/Art she painted two pieces.  The first is a sky that goes with the poem titled "Fragmentary Blue" and the second is a night sky with moon rising that goes with the poem "Going for Water".  I can't wait to create a book full of all her painting this year!!

I know I don't write too much about math, but she is doing very well.  This is the first year we are using Saxon and she is in 6/5.  I like that there is plenty of review, because she needs it!

Books I am ready aloud to Funny Bunny…

In our lives this week…

Funny Bunny and I are gearing up to participate in a local homeschool craft fair at the beginning of December.  Our homeschool group is coordinating it and we have 30 families participating.  It's so exciting to know that families are working together creating items to sell!  We'll be selling hair accessories, 18" doll pillows, and maybe a couple other things if we can find the time!

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That is really cool how the painting turned out like that.
That was one of Hailey's favorite ones so far.

Our Homeschool Reviews

I like how they are all turning out! Can't wait to add them to some sort of book.


Love that dance picture!

Our Homeschool Reviews

Thanks! :)

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