Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Summer Fit Activity Books Review

I was on the hunt for something that Funny Bunny could work on over the summer between 6th and 7th grade. We don't stop school completely because I like for her to keep her mind sharp but I don't want to overwhelm her with work.

That's when I stumbled across Summer Fit.  Summer Fit Workbooks were written by teachers to help prepare students academically, physically, and socially for the next grade level.

Summer Fit Activities engage children in the following areas:

Academics: reading, writing, math, language arts, science, geography, & tech
Fitness: exercise, active play, healthy eating, and nutrition
Core Values: honesty, self-discipline, and friendship

The Summer Fit is a series of nine workbooks:  P-K, 1st-2nd, 2nd-3rd, 3rd-4th, 4th-5th, 5th-6th, 6th-7th, and 7th-8th

Each book contains:

* A parent introduction
* 10 weekly units that start with an overview and cover the subjects above
* 10 pages for each unit so only 2 pages per day need to be completed
* A weekly role model, like Jackie Robinson, and core values in each unit
* Extension activities

I received two workbooks to review - Summer Fit 2-3 and 6-7.

My Thoughts:  As I mentioned above, both are laid out in the exact same format, the only difference is the material. The material is different each day, which is nice and will hopefully keep the child from getting bored. In flipping through the 6-7 grade book, there are things that will be review for Funny Bunny but there are definitely new concepts.

Below you can see a few samples from both books.





Find Out More:  You can find out more online at Summer Fit Learning and on their Facebook Page. Workbooks can be purchased on Amazon for between just $9 and $12.

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